April 01, 2019

The 7 Best Teas for IBS (Ease Painful Discomfort)

By Abianne Falla
The 7 Best Teas for IBS (Ease Painful Discomfort)

Living with IBS can be frustrating. From painful stomach cramps to diarrhea to bloating to constipation, the right tea can help calm your stomach faster and provide symptom relief. In this guide, we ranked and reviewed the best teas for IBS.

If you want to get some for yourself, we have a collection of the best teas for your tummy right here in tea bags, loose leaf, or iced tea pouches.

What is the Best Tea for IBS?

1. Yaupon Tea

Yaupon is the only naturally caffeinated plant native to North America. It has unique properties that traditional teas lack. One of these benefits is theobromine, which you may know better in association with chocolate. It’s the compound that makes you feel better when you eat it. It helps elevate your mood and boost your focus and attention. When combined with the caffeine in yaupon, there is a synergistic effect on these benefits, reducing stress that can aggravate IBS.


  • Theobromine acts as a muscle relaxer to calm some of those pesky gastrointestinal symptoms.
  • Decreased chronic inflammation via chlorogenic acid (CGA) that has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • A boost for your immune system from the antioxidants that remove free radicals in your body.

Side Effects:

  • May cause sleeplessness due to caffeine if large amounts of yaupon are consumed all at once.

Try our CatSpring Yaupon tea to calm IBS. It’s organic, non-gmo, kosher, sustainably grown, and naturally caffeinated.

2. Ginger Tea

Ginger tea has been used for thousands of years as a cure for nausea and digestive problems in regions like Asia and India. As a rule of thumb, one cup of ginger tea contains about 250 milligrams of ginger so aim to drink two to four cups of this tea to alleviate symptoms of allergies.


  • Makes you feel better faster than ginger ale because it contains higher concentrations of the compounds that alleviate digestive issues.
  • Made using fresh ginger root which packs a punch when it comes to healing symptoms of an upset stomach.
  • Proven to reduce nausea when 1 milligram of ginger root is taken daily (based on a Thai study of pregnant women with symptoms of morning sickness).

Side Effects:

  • Makes heartburn worse because it relaxes the muscle that prevents stomach bile from entering the esophagus.

3. Fennel Tea

Made from dried fennel seeds, this tea has oils that relieve gas, bloating, constipation, and abdominal pain. It originates in the Mediterranean though it is now found all over the world. It's long been used to improve digestion and has a relaxing aroma. Tasting like licorice, this is a good option to try to help relive IBS symptoms.


  • Relaxes your muscles which improves digestive flow and can help remove toxins from your system.
  • Improve sleep by relaxing your muscles, thereby allowing you to relax and unwind at the end of the day.

Side Effects:

  • Some people may be allergic to Fennel so be sure and consult your doctor before trying.

4. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea has a signature minty flavor due to its easy brewing using mint leaves. This menthol based flavor can help soothe your intestines and decrease bloating while also freshening your breath instantly. A refreshing glass that has a cooling effect, this is a yummy option for those looking to ease IBS symtoms. *Pro tip: you can also add peppermint oil to any beverage instead of using tea bags.


  • Ease tense muscles as peppermint is a natural muscle relaxant to soothe irritated nerves and inflammation.
  • Easy to complement the flavor with ginger, honey, or fruits to find a delicious cup for anytime
  • Relieve stomach pain and discomfort by relieving bloating, gas, and indigestion.

Side Effects:

  • Can worsen acid reflux by relaxing the muscles around the stomach sphincter.

5. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is primarily brewed from one of two daisy-like species of flower and commonly known for its stress-relieving properties. It’s long been believed to have health benefits though many are still under research. Its anti-inflamatory properties make it a great option for those suffering from IBS. Add it to your nightly routine to help deal with those pesky night-time IBS symptoms.


  • Promotes sleep due to its chemical structure, helping you relax and get that much needed rest.
  • Its anti-inflammatory properties have been shown to boost your immune system.
  • Ease nausea and soothe your stomach.

Side Effects:

  • Chamomile does make you drowsy so be aware before consuming.

6. Turmeric Tea

Turmeric has long been used in India in various dishes and is known quite well for its distinctive yellow color caused by curcumin. Ongoing research is determining the effects of curcumin in turmeric tea but it may have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antidiabetic properties. Cucumin has been found to ease inflammation and help reduce the effects of IBS. Peppery with a taste of ginger, this tea is tasty and helpful.


  • No caffeine makes this a great bedtime option
  • Stimulate blood flow which helps to flush out more of the toxins.
  • Reducing inflammation can relieve inflamed tissues throughout the body and even improve skin appearance.

Side Effects:

  • When consumed in high does turmeric tea can hurt some people's stomachs.

7. Lavender Tea

Made by steeping lavender buds in hot water, lavender tea is known for its calming properties. It can also help soothe digestive issues. A florally aroma with hints of rosemary and mint, this is a great option for those looking for a caffeine free option that smells and tastes delightful. Most research so far has been done on lavender extract rather than lavender tea, though many of the benefits may be present in both.


  • With anti-inflammatory properties, this tea can possibly help soothe irritated tissues.
  • The smell of Lavender has also been shown to have a soothing effect and ease feelings of cramping.
  • Causing drowsiness, Lavender can help promote a good nights sleep.

Side Effects:

  • Be careful of taking Lavender tea with any other sedatives.

The Bottom Line

Owing to their amazing healthy-boosting properties, these are some of the best teas for IBS. They can help soothe symptoms of nausea, pain, and excess gas while treating gastrointestinal disorders, thereby improving your quality of life.

If you want to get our best tasting tea for IBS, check out our organic, naturally caffeinated CatSpring Yaupon tea here.

Medical Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and shouldn’t be taken as medical advice. If you have serious health-related issues you should reach out to a medical professional. While we have studied the scientific research available, this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.